
Web Development Projects

Sortable Table and Arrays

This repository demonstrates a portfolio piece that addresses some of the common interview questions on arrays, sorting algorithms, and optimizing code performance. In preparing for the next technical interview with further understanding of key concepts, such as the insertion sort and merge sort algorithms, as well as how to create algorithms. This code was based off the course “Web Portfolio Projects: Sortable Table and Arrays” by Leigh Lawhon.

See notes for this project here.

Topics include:

Binding and Propagation

This project explores some more advanced JavaScript concepts—including how to manage propagation and binding—with interactive card games. This includes animations in CSS3, looking at three contexts of this with methods, and adding a shuffle function and object lifecycles. The project also looks at how to use prototypical inheritance to optimize your code, and more. This code was based off the course “Web Portfolio Projects: Binding and Propagation” by Leigh Lawhon.

See notes for this project here.

Topics include:

Rebound: Mobile Game Programming

This project explores game creation with JavaScript as a way of enhancing skills in all areas of development. With insight into HTML objects, handling user input, implementing a game loop, determining how objects interact, and styling all the elements with CSS. There’s also music and sound effects incorperated, as well as emulation with iOS and Android devices. This code was based off the course “Vanilla JavaScript: Mobile Game Programming” by Tom Duffy.

See notes for this project here.

Topics include: