Nearly every computer program ever written accepts input from the user, processes that input in some way, produces some output, and provides feedback to the user.
Game programming is no different.
Games forces developers to examine code optimization for the best user experience, something all web developers should consider.
Usually, game programs create event listeners that listen for user input via touch, the mouse, or keyboard, and a game loop that manages processing.
Once launched, the game loop continues until it encounters some end condition.
If end conditions aren’t met, objects are rendered to the screen and the game continues.
In this project, the game will be simple, and called Rebound.
Rebound is a simple paddle and ball game where the player must keep the ball from reaching the bottom of the playing area.
The score is reflected at the bottom of the playing area. As the game progresses, difficulty is increased by moving the ball more quickly.
Rebound includes some simple collision detection routines to reward the player for using the middle of the paddle. (game buzzes)
It also includes some basic sound effects and a background music track, and a settings panel lets players decide if they want to hear the sounds and start a new game.
letscore=0;letiterations=0;letaWidth,aHeight,timer;// Executes after all of the resources for the page are downloaded.window.addEventListener("load",setGameAreaBounds);functionsetGameAreaBounds(){aWidth=innerWidth;aHeight=innerHeight;// Taking other element sizes into account:aWidth-=22;aHeight-=97;document.getElementById("game-area").style.width=aWidth+"px";document.getElementById("game-area").style.height=aHeight+"px";document.getElementById("dot").addEventListener("click",detectHit);// Make sure the dot stays within the// right and bottom of the gaming area:aWidth-=74;aHeight-=74;moveDot();}functiondetectHit(){score+=1;document.getElementById("score-label").innerHTML="Score: "+score;}functionmoveDot(){// Allowing the dot to appear randomly// within the available area:letx=Math.floor(Math.random()*aWidth);lety=Math.floor(Math.random()*aHeight);// Make sure the dot stays within the// left and top of the gaming area:if(x<10){x=10;}if(y<10){y=10;}document.getElementById("dot").style.left=x+"px";document.getElementById("dot")"px";// Note: Not recursive, setTimeout returns// immediately and tells the browser to wait// the specified delay, and then execute the code.if(iterations<10){timer=setTimeout("moveDot()",1000);}else{// Ending the game and disabling functionality:document.getElementById("score-label").innerHTML+=" Game Over!";document.getElementById("dot").removeEventListener("click",detectHit);clearTimeout(timer);}iterations++;}
Animation in JS
Animation on the web is very much like those flip books you created as a kid.
Eg. You place an individual image on the corner of each page in the book then flip through the book rapidly to see the animation.
If you flip rapidly enough, the animation is smooth.
If you don’t flip rapidly enough, the animation is jerky.
Animators call the speed of the flipping, the frame rate.
Using JavaScript, you can manipulate the properties of an image to simulate motion.
You might change the source attribute of the image. Eg. Focusing on the horse and its rider.
The animation cycles through a set of images in a series, then repeats.
This is how changing the source attribute of an image element, works.
In JS, this technique is called replacement animation.
You might also change the images location on the screen.
For other types of animation, you may notice how the image doesn’t change but the location of the image onscreen does.
Eg. The cactus follows a well-defined path in the animation. We’ll explore
You’ll be able to create a path for objects onscreen using mathematical formulas.
Eg. How the cactus sits behind the horse and rider when they occupy the same location onscreen.
This is how we can simulate depth in an animation.
You can manipulate an objects Z index to accomplish layering objects.
The cool part is that you can often combine these techniques to produce compelling animations.
The general process for replacement animation is to create an array of images to cycle through, then swap the images fast enough so that the user perceives motion.
Just remember, there really isn’t any motion taking place. You are simply controlling which frame the user is currently viewing.
It’s customary to name the individual frames of an image set with the same prefix and then a frame counter for the number. Eg. ball0.gif
This construct works nicely to create an array to hold the images.
The good news is, we won’t have to declare each individual image object.
Rather, because the names of the files are indexed, a simple loop does all the work.
letimgArray=newArray();for(leti=0;i<24;i++){// Using an image object forces// browser to preload each object,// thus removing latency.imgArray[i]=newImage();imgArray[i].src="img/ball"+i+".gif";}letcounter=0;functionrotate(){if(counter>imageArray.length-1){// Restarts and loops animation.counter=0;}document.getElementById("baseball").src=imgArray[counter];counter++;setTimeout("rotate()",50);}// The load event fires after all of the resources have been downloaded.// And that's important, because we're using the image array,// storing image objects, that means all of the frames in the// animation will be downloaded before anything gets going.window.addEventListener("load",rotate);
Point-to-Point Animation
Point-to-point animation is done by calculating and objects coordinates on the screen using a mathematical formula.
In essence, the point-to-point animation keeps track of the objects top and left properties and then modifies their values according to the formula.
functionkeyListener(e){// Adding variable for element used multiple times:letkey=e.keyCode;if((key==37||key==65)&&paddleLeft>0){paddleLeft-=pdx;if(paddleLeft<0)paddleLeft=0;}elseif((key==39||key==68)&&paddleLeft<pWidth-64){paddleLeft+=pdx;if(paddleLeft>pWidth-64)paddleLeft=pWidth-64;}// Moving duplicate code outside of"px";}
setTimeout() vs. requestAnimationFrame
There are shortcomings with the usage of setTimeout() and similarly, setInterval().
Although convenient, they begin posing problems on mobile and lower-end devices.
They are resource intensive, taking up process cycles even when the animation isn’t visible.
Both functions require a delay in milliseconds that’s set by the developer before executing, or a number of frames per second.
When the browser can’t accommodate this framerate, the animation is choppy and poor.
In other words, when the function is fired off, the browser isn’t yet ready to redraw the screen, so the frame is skipped.
requestAnimationFrame, on the other hand, is a newer function that’s optimized to run at the browser’s peak speed.
This also allows browsers to suspend inactive or invisible animations.